To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.” – Issac Newton

Our Approach to Education

We recognise that quality education comes through:

  • Conducive learning environment
  • Standardised and innovative teaching methods
  • Qualified and experienced teachers
  • Balanced curriculum

The greatest gift you can give a child in life is education. We believe what really enriches a child and brings forth a well rounded individual are the values he imbibes during his perusal of knowledge. In this we are inspired by Swami Sathya Sai Baba’s maxims: ” End of educations is Character ” and “Education is for Life not for a living.”

The world has made much progress but the things often lost to our little ones are traditions and values. At Pratyusha we are conscientious about the responsibility of imparting value-based education. The role of our pre-school is to inculcate these values in young minds.
We have been working earnestly in first practising and then imparting values such as lovingness, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, kindness etc. We see the mirror everyday to see what’s lacking in us.
At Pratyusha, we believe as much in the particular as in the general. We want the kids to have cultural moorings and respect their own civilisation as much as they’d like to be global and belong to the world. We believe in cherishing patriotic and subcultural values, those which are the terra firma for children to grow in. Every festival is celebrated here. We believe in imparting culture through routines and rhythms. What better place to look for this than the time tested ancient tradition and culture? The child feels very comfortable when the same are followed at home and school. Prayers are an integral part of our day.

We are a secular, non-sectarian and universal in our approach.

Our Approach